Grommet rubber

0,20 - 1,20

Inner diameter is the diameter of the hole where the rubber comes in.

in stock


Grommet rubber

Grommet rubber for, among other things, electrical wire. To protect against chafing or to use as a watertight passage. Made of high-quality EPDM rubber

591 901 4,5mm cable x 6,5 hole x 1,2mm plate
591 902 6mm cable x 8 hole x 1mm plate
591 903 9mm cable x 11 hole x 1mm plate
591 904 10mm cable x 12 hole x 1,2mm plate
591 905 13mm cable x 21 hole x 2mm plate
591 906 21mm cable x 31 hole x 1,5mm plate

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